Wednesday 10 May 2017

Pickle Challenge


So what is the Pickle Challenge?

The Pickle Challenge can be done solo or by competing against a group of friends. Essentially, the way this challenge is completed is to eat all pickles in a jar and drink all the juice in one sitting, without throwing up. 

Is it that simple?

It is simple to eat pickles if that's your favorite snack, but for those who despise this fruit/vegetable, it pose to be a greater challenge than initially  thought. 

Risks of the Challenge

Eating the pickles and drinking its juice too quickly may cause a digestive upset, bloating, high blood pressure and an increase in kidney workload. 

Personal Experience 

I have never tried this challenge or dare to try as the very thought of pickles chills my spine, pickles should be sliced up used in burgers only, not eaten on its own   ðŸ˜‚

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