Tuesday, 9 May 2017

Cheap Vs Expensive Challenge

What is this Challenge?

This challenge will test out if ur palate can tell the difference between expensive and cheap food products. This challenge can be tried with all sorts of different food products as long as there is a cheap and expensive option to it.

The rules are simple, 1 contestant will be the judge and select different kinds of food items with a cheap and expensive alternative. For example the judge may pick different dips, home brand version and a branded version dip. The other participants will be blindfolded and given a taste test of each item where they will have to guess which is the cheaper item and which is more expensive.
Participants with the most correct guesses will be declared the winner.

A few example of food products may include cheese, chocolate, dips, chips, drinks, biscuits or candy.

This challenge really tests your taste of food products due to tastes being similar.

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