Wednesday 19 April 2017

Cinnamon Challenge


So what is the cinnamon challenge?

The cinnamon challenge is a viral internet food challenge where individuals have to eat a spoonful of ground cinnamon within a minute without any type of fluids to assist them.

Is it that simple?

This challenge may look deceptively simple however majority of people who have attempted it have failed due to the sheer difficulty in consuming large amounts of cinnamon at once. The large amounts of cinnamon coats and dries the mouth and through which results in coughing, gagging, vomiting, and inhaling of cinnamon.

Risks of the challenge
The risk of gagging on cinnamon can cause blockage and clog the airways especially if the cinnamon begins to form lumps. Inhaling of the cinnamon can lead to serious damage for the lungs by causing inflammation and leading to infections. With the coughing this can cause considerable irritation, burning, discomfort, or itching of the affected nasal tissue and nostrils.

Personal Experience
From my personal experience of attempting the challenge while it was viral, this challenge is probably one of the hardest challenges to successfully complete. A few seconds after eating the spoonful of cinnamon, i had immediately started coughing it back out and reaching for water.

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